30 Linwood, Williamsville – We’ve Purchased Our 1st Property

Exterior photo showing two buildings and the parking lot at 30 Linwood in Williamsville, NY

MAY 31, 2024

With our mission in mind, we went looking to purchase property that would allow us to begin our journey in creating apartment communities tailored to independent individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who desire to live in a safe, social and integrated community. Last week we were able to celebrate both the Memorial Day weekend and the official bank closing on our first property at 30 Linwood in the Village of Williamsville.

The complex at 30 Linwood is located behind the Elderwood Village Williamsville facility on Main Street, and consists of three buildings, situated closely side by side, sharing a parking lot and outdoor space.

Each building will feature four (4) individual apartments and common area on the lower level which will be used by all residents for entertainment, wellness activities and other social events. Home of My Own® of WNY will utilize private funding to renovate the apartments and, in conjunction with individual benefits, offer rental housing at a reduced cost. But as with most projects, all of this comes with a high price tag.

“Extensive renovations and updates will be taking place on the buildings – both inside and out – as quickly as possible so we can meet the extensive demand for housing with the I/DD population. Due to the extensive cost of renovation, we are looking to continue our fundraising to ensure we are able to not only complete the renovations on this property, but also to add to our capital campaign which will fund overhead expenses, operating budgets and work towards the purchase of our next local property. Our goal continues to be providing these much-needed residential opportunities and serve the thousands of individuals in the area who have intellectual disabilities and are looking for an independent living situation,” said Karen Cuddy-Miller, Home of My Own® of WNY Board President. “Therefore, we will be asking our friends and the community at large to help by investing in our mission.”

The non-profit continues to reach out to the community for donors and foundations to complete this project and grow their place in serving the WNY disability community. “We are at a critical time in fulfilling our mission where we have a significant need for additional funding,” said Connie Stives, Co-Founder and Director of Home of My Own® of WNY. “Though we are interested in meeting with local, state and national foundations who may have interest in our mission and vision, we also recognize that the Buffalo community is so often generous and supportive of local nonprofits as well. A gift, in any amount, allows us to keep moving forward with our mission.”

Paul Lamparelli, of Lamparelli Construction Company, Inc. is the construction partner working on this property. Without a firm timeline for the completion of the renovation and construction phase of this project, Home of My Own® of WNY is not accepting rental applications for potential residents at this time.

We are always looking for new properties that might become our next. “We are looking for properties in safe, walkable neighborhoods that have access to public transportation, employment opportunities, and leisure activities for our residents. Someplace they can feel integrated into the fabric of the Western New York community. If anyone has or knows of a property – a new build or an existing building – that they feel might be of interest to us, please contact us right away. We are looking for properties all the time,” said Cuddy-Miller.

Ellen Pachioli, Co-Founder and Director of Home of My Own® of WNY, and mother of two adult daughters with intellectual disabilities said, “The closing on this property signifies more than just taking ownership of a building (or 3). It is a celebration of the beginning of a journey that allows individuals from Western New York who have an intellectual disability to have the opportunity to live independently in their own community. It’s an opportunity for these individuals to reside with their peers and live in a safe, walkable area where they can integrate into the village with other residents in the community.” She added, “Like so many of us, our loved ones want nothing more than to be able to take a walk, socialize with others in the community, grab groceries, work and shop at local businesses and get to know their neighbors.”

There are a number of ways to support Home of My Own® of WNY – one-time donations, reoccurring donations, corporate gifts, grants, private foundation gifts, in-kind donations of items or services that can be used for the property and so much more. You can donate online or to speak with someone regarding your donation, please contact us at (info@homeofmyownofwny.org) or visit www.homeofmyownofwny.org.


About Home of My Own® of WNY:

Home of My Own® of WNY is a nonprofit that was founded to create residential apartment communities in Western New York tailored to independent individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities who desire to live in a safe, social and integrated community. Their vision includes a community of apartment living where residents live in their own individual apartments, yet share common spaces with their peers where they can support each other and create meaningful interactions, while developing friendships and independence. The goal is a community-centered location that can provide easy accessibility to public transportation, employment opportunities and leisure that will provide lifelong sustainability. Click to donate or support the mission, vision and values of this organization.